
First Post :
Get Acquainted With Me MoreI desired to provide you with a heads up, you can call me Tobler Miga. I really don’t necessarily mean to boast but since you now are inside my weblog, you’ll absolutely fail to see numerous things if you don’t visit my blog site normally.

There is nothing on the planet I love more than mountain climbing. lol, I’m sure that’s not what you envisioned hearing on my very first piece of writing but you will discover I’m not limited to only one passion. I love to really have a fun life!

And lastly remember to always consider this. Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. – Jim Rohn


My Learnings Toward Spell Check Software

Perfect writing is impossible with wrong spelling. As a matter of fact, proper spelling is a must to professionals or student. Sometimes, a misspelled word would mean different at all. There are times if a word is misspelled it can no longer be understood at all. These were important lessons that I have learned during my highschool years and that was thanks to my English teacher. Although, spelling may sound unimportant to some career options, I took her advice and recalled it by heart. For me, I think it is vital because I wanted to become a journalist, and proper spelling is surely handy. mentions that words which are not known or complicated ones are really difficult to spell to several folks. If they were wide readers like me, then the story might be different. Yes, what you have read is true, unlike most people, I love to read and read. Any reading material is good for me, be it magazines, prints, books, and novels. By reading, I was able to expand my vocabulary skills. This is the reason why many of my professors would praise my work during my college years. But it was a different story with my college best friend.

She found it difficult to write reports and essays because of the limited vocabulary she has. Aside from that, she is afraid of using decorative and complicated words because she is afraid of misspelling it. Although, I did tell her about my secret, we found it difficult to apply to her. The first reason is that all these skill I have were accumulated for the many years of reading. Unlike me, she had no accumulated vocabulary skills. Great thing we located a good answer over the web with the help of

After reading, we were in a position to come up with the ideal solution for her. That is the use of spell check software. In fact, I can point out that this software is ideal for college students for we use computers in typing our essays. True, there are writing programs like Microsoft Word that have built in spell check and grammar check, unfortunately, there are instances that the checks they make are definitely wrong. Thus, we found this software perfect for our work. Another thing about these spell check applications is that it can be sites that offer such service or independent applications which can be downloaded. Seeing the good results of the spell check software, my best friend admitted that she was very happy in finding them.

Even if I ended up as an article writer and not as a journalist, these applications have made my job simpler. For additional info about this software, would be the right place for you.